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The Startup Series: Master Your Message

1 min read

Marketing is above all, a transaction.

Consumers donate time and attention, which are supremely valuable commodities. The best brands give them something worthy in return.

Build it and they will come.

For startups, this is the greatest lie ever told.

The harsh reality is most people don’t care what you’re selling.

It’s not because they’re mean – they’re just busy dealing with the rest of their lives. And there are lots of brands competing for their attention.

Marketing is above all, a transaction.

Consumers donate time and attention, which are supremely valuable commodities. The best brands give them something worthy in return.

It usually boils down to these things;

  • Make life easier
  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Improve yourself
  • Be accepted

The better you understand your customer, their goals, motivations, and fears, the easier it is to be specific about what that thing is.

One of the best ways brands can do this is with a messaging framework.

Put simply, this is document acts as scaffolding for your content, giving your team and anyone who uses it the tools to convey the right message consistently.

It starts with a workshop, where we work together to convert what you do into concise and powerful messages that truly speak to your audience.

Help them and they will come.

Ready to master your message?

Schedule a free call